Can a Felon Get Life Insurance?

Life insurance is an essential investment to ensure the financial stability of loved ones when a policyholder passes away. However, life insurance can be challenging to acquire, especially for individuals with a criminal history. If you are a felon, you may wonder if you can get life insurance. In this article, we will answer this question and explain how you can obtain life insurance as a felon.

Can a Felon Get Life Insurance?

Life insurance is a financial safety net that provides your loved ones with financial stability after your death. The life insurance company pays out a death benefit to your beneficiaries, which they can use to pay for your final expenses, mortgage, debts, and future expenses. However, if you are a felon, obtaining life insurance can be challenging due to your criminal history.

How does a felony record affect life insurance eligibility?

Life insurance companies consider various factors when determining your eligibility for a policy, such as your age, health, occupation, and lifestyle. One of the most crucial factors is your criminal record. If you have a felony conviction, life insurance companies view you as a high-risk applicant.

The reason behind this is that felons are statistically more likely to die prematurely, which translates into a higher risk for life insurance companies. Additionally, depending on the severity of your offense, the insurer may deem you uninsurable.

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Can a Felon Get Life Insurance?
Can a Felon Get Life Insurance?

How Can a Felon obtain Life Insurance?

Obtaining life insurance as a felon may seem impossible, but it’s not. With the right knowledge and approach, you can get the coverage you need. Here are three ways to obtain life insurance as a felon.

Find a knowledgeable agent

When you are a felon, working with a knowledgeable life insurance agent is crucial. A good agent can help you navigate the complicated process of obtaining life insurance and answer your questions. Make sure you work with an agent who specializes in high-risk life insurance policies.

Disclose all information about your criminal record

When applying for life insurance, it’s crucial to be honest about your criminal record. Life insurance companies have access to public records and can easily verify your criminal history. Lying on your application can result in denial of coverage or the policy being voided later.

Also Read: Can You Work in a Prison With a Misdemeanor?

Apply for guaranteed issue life insurance

If you have a felony record and cannot qualify for traditional life insurance, you can consider guaranteed issue life insurance. Guaranteed-issue life insurance is a type of policy that does not require a medical exam or any health questions. As long as you pay the premiums, the policy is guaranteed to pay out a death benefit.

What is guaranteed issue life insurance?

Guaranteed-issue life insurance is a type of policy that is available to everyone, regardless of their health status or criminal record. As long as you meet the age requirements, typically between the ages of 50 and 85, you can apply for guaranteed issue life insurance. These policies have lower death benefit amounts, usually between $5,000 and $25,000, and higher premiums compared to traditional life insurance policies.

Pros and Cons of Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance

Before you consider guaranteed issue life insurance as an option, you should weigh the pros and cons.


  • Guaranteed acceptance: As long as you meet the age requirements and pay the premiums, you are guaranteed acceptance for coverage.
  • No medical exam: Guaranteed-issue life insurance policies do not require a medical exam, making it an excellent option for individuals with pre-existing medical conditions or a criminal record.
  • Cash value: Guaranteed issue life insurance policies accumulate cash value over time, which you can borrow against or surrender for cash.


  • High premiums: Guaranteed-issue life insurance policies have higher premiums compared to traditional life insurance policies due to the increased risk the insurer is taking on.
  • Lower death benefits: Guaranteed-issue life insurance policies have lower death benefits, which may not be enough to cover all your end-of-life expenses.
  • Waiting period: Most guaranteed issue life insurance policies have a waiting period of two years before the death benefit is payable. If you pass away during the waiting period, the insurer will refund the premiums paid to your beneficiaries.

What if you are denied Life Insurance as a Felon?

If you are denied life insurance as a felon, there are still options available to you. Here are two alternatives to consider:

Wait and try again later

If you are denied coverage, you can wait and try again later. The life insurance industry is continually evolving, and some companies may have more lenient underwriting guidelines than others. It’s essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle and demonstrate good behavior during the waiting period.

Consider alternative options, such as accidental death insurance

Accidental death insurance is a type of policy that pays out a death benefit if you die from an accident. This type of policy does not require a medical exam or health questions, making it an excellent option for high-risk individuals. However, accidental death insurance policies do not cover death from natural causes.

Tips for applying for life insurance as a felon

Here are three tips to help you when applying for life insurance as a felon:

Be honest about your criminal record

It’s crucial to be upfront about your criminal history when applying for life insurance. Lying on your application can result in denial of coverage or the policy being voided later.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Life insurance companies consider your health and lifestyle when determining your eligibility for coverage. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, such as exercising regularly, quitting smoking, and reducing alcohol consumption, can increase your chances of being approved for coverage.

Have a plan in place for how the policy benefits will be used

Having a plan in place for how the policy benefits will be used can increase your chances of being approved for coverage. Life insurance companies want to know that the policy benefits will be used for legitimate purposes, such as paying for your final expenses, mortgage, debts, or your children’s education.


Being a felon can make obtaining life insurance challenging, but it’s not impossible. By working with a knowledgeable agent, disclosing all information about your criminal record, and considering alternative options such as guaranteed issue life insurance, you can obtain the coverage you need. Remember to be honest about your criminal history, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and have a plan in place for how the policy benefits will be used.


Can a felon get traditional life insurance?

Yes, but it may be challenging to qualify for coverage due to your criminal record.

What is the waiting period for guaranteed issue life insurance policies?

Most guaranteed issue life insurance policies have a waiting period of two years before the death benefit is payable. If you pass away during the waiting period, the insurer will refund the premiums paid to your beneficiaries.

What is accidental death insurance?

Accidental death insurance is a type of policy that pays out a death benefit if you die from an accident. This type of policy does not require a medical exam or health questions.

Can I lie about my criminal record when applying for life insurance?

No, lying on your application can result in denial of coverage or the policy being voided later.

How can I increase my chances of being approved for life insurance as a felon?

You can increase your chances of being approved by being honest about your criminal history, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and having a plan in place for how the policy benefits will be used.

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