Can a Felon Own a Bow and Arrow?

The United States has strict laws when it comes to felons and firearms possession. But what about other weapons, such as bows and arrows? Can a felon own a bow and arrow? In this article, we will explore the legalities of felons owning bows and arrows, including state and federal laws, restrictions, and exceptions.

Can a Felon Own a Bow and Arrow? The Laws and Regulations:

Under federal law, convicted felons are prohibited from possessing firearms. This includes any weapon that uses explosive materials or propellants, such as guns, bombs, and rocket launchers. However, the law does not specifically mention bows and arrows.

So, can a felon own a bow and arrow? The answer depends on the state in which the person lives. Some states have strict regulations on felons and weapons possession, while others have more relaxed laws.

In general, states may restrict felons from owning or possessing any type of weapon, including bows and arrows. However, some states may allow felons to own bows and arrows as long as they are not used for hunting or any other illegal activity.

Can a Felon Own a Bow and Arrow?
Can a Felon Own a Bow and Arrow?

States with Strict Laws on Felons and Weapons Possession:

In some states, felons are prohibited from owning or possessing any type of weapon, including bows and arrows. These states include:

  • California
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Hawaii
  • Illinois
  • Massachusetts
  • Minnesota
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Oregon
  • Rhode Island
  • Washington

In these states, a convicted felon caught in possession of a bow and arrow could face serious legal consequences, including fines and imprisonment.

Also Read: What Rights do Felons lose in California?

States with More Relaxed Laws on Felons and Weapons Possession:

Other states may allow felons to own and possess bows and arrows under certain circumstances. For example, in some states, a felon may be allowed to own a bow and arrow if:

  1. The bow and arrow is not used for hunting or any other illegal activity
  2. The bow and arrow is used solely for sporting purposes, such as archery competitions
  3. The bow and arrow is kept at a designated range or club

Some states with more relaxed laws on felons and weapons possession include:

  • Arizona
  • Florida
  • Kentucky
  • Michigan
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Oklahoma
  • Pennsylvania
  • Texas
  • Virginia

Also Read: Do Felons get Tax Refunds? Everything You Need to Know

Exceptions and Restrictions:

Even in states that allow felons to own bows and arrows, there may be exceptions and restrictions. For example, some states may require felons to obtain a permit or license to own a bow and arrow. Others may prohibit felons from owning certain types of bows or arrows, such as those with a certain draw weight or length.

In addition, felons may face other restrictions when it comes to owning bows and arrows. For example, a felon may be prohibited from purchasing a bow and arrow from a licensed dealer or owning a bow and arrow with a serial number.


Q: Can a felon use a bow and arrow for self-defense?

A: The legality of using a bow and arrow for self-defense varies by state. In general, a person may use reasonable force, including deadly force, to defend themselves from an imminent threat of harm. However, using a bow and arrow for self-defense may not be considered a reasonable force in all situations.

Q: Can a felon have someone else purchase a bow and arrow for them?

A: No. It is illegal for a felon to have someone else purchase a bow and arrow for them. This is known as a “straw purchase”


In conclusion, the answer to the question “Can a felon own a bow and arrow?” is not a simple yes or no. The legality of felons owning bows and arrows varies by state, and there may be restrictions and exceptions even in states that allow it.

It is important for felons to be aware of the laws and regulations in their state when it comes to weapons possession. Violating these laws can result in serious legal consequences, including fines and imprisonment.

If you are a convicted felon and are unsure whether you can legally own a bow and arrow in your state, it is recommended that you consult with a lawyer or local law enforcement agency.

Overall, it is important to prioritize safety and responsibility when it comes to weapons ownership, regardless of one’s criminal history.

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